Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Own Success Story

On May 16th we became the proud family of our first student with a Juris Doctor Degree (Law). My son Christopher Chandler and his wife Nhong (she has been his loving support and inspiration for the past 10 years) invited the family to witness the graduation ceremony. Needless to say, we took plenty of pictures and enjoyed the occasion to reflect on all of the hard work, challenges, and prayers Chris and the family expended along the way. Chris did the difficult work over the past 4 years. His family has delayed gratification on several levels and now they are on their way to living his dream.

In my Yes2Kollege classes with parents and students I explain that none of us get to where we are going, alone, without the help of family, friends, and sometimes people we don't even know. It always takes a lot of goal setting, organization, networking, exposure to new ideas, and don't forget the prayers.

My family has celebrated so many successes because of Chris and Corey's academic accomplishments. Corey is going back to college for another Master's degree (business) and Chris will take the California Bar exam in July. We are so blessed!

Giving back is what is required of anyone that experiences success. Purchase our book about the Chandler family and our experiences and the lessons we learned on our way "Say Yes To College: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Raising College-Bound Kids" with foreword by Bill Cosby.

Thank you friends and family for your support over the years. Keep up with our Yes2Kollege presentations for youth and parents and let me know what you think about the book.

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